The Manappuram Foundation has launched a major charity housing project for the poor in Valappad panchayat. The foundation stone of 21 homes to be built in the panchayat, was laid by the Minister of Higher Education Prof. R Bindu. ‘Manappuram Snehabhavanam’ plaques were handed over to the beneficiaries at the ceremony. The minister commended Manappuram Foundation’s efforts led by its managing trustee V P Nandakumar and the project under which the houses will be built and handed over to 21 needy families in the panchayat. She added that such initiatives would inspire more people to come forward to help the homeless and become a part of building a new Kerala.
The project, which costs Rs 1.30 cr, is implemented by Manappuram Foundation as part of its corporate social responsibility. The construction work of the 460 sq. ft. houses will be completed soon. V P Nandakumar also announced that the project will soon be rolled out across all 140 constituencies in the state.
Nattika MLA C. C. Mukundan was the guest of honour at the function. Valappad Grama Panchayat President Shinitha V. D. presided over the function. Manappuram Group of Companies Promoter Sushma Nandakumar, Manappuram Foundation CEO George D Das, Thalikulam Block Panchayat President KC Prasad, District Panchayat Welfare Standing Committee Chairman PM Ahmed, District Panchayat Member Manjula Arunan, Ward Member Ajay Ghosh, Manappuram Finance Senior PRO KM Asharaf were also present at the event.
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