Upstox, one of the leading investment platforms in India, has added the Good-Till-Triggered (GTT) feature on its platform. The new feature will allow users to place orders with stop-loss and target price, across all trading segments, viz. Intraday, Equity Delivery, F&O, Currency Derivatives & Commodities.
This feature is available for all traders and investors on the platform. The order will remain active for one day in the case of intraday orders, 365 days for delivery orders, and as per contract expiry in the case of futures and options. It will allow traders and investors to decide at what price they want to enter or exit the market without placing an order every day. By bucketing all orders together, this feature will make trading seamless for the users.
Talking about the launch, Shrini Viswanath, Co-Founder, Upstox, said, “This feature comes as a part of our ongoing efforts to make investing equitable and seamless for our users. With the GTT feature, we hope to provide traders with more convenience, while also encouraging them to maintain a disciplined trading mindset and be aware of their risk appetite. More importantly, traders will no longer have to worry about constantly verifying the status of a single order.
Through the many value adds that come with this feature, we hope to promote equity participation in the country while also providing a varied set of services to our users. We’re constantly striving to improve the customer experience and make financial planning more accessible to everyone.”
Upstox aims to simplify its customers’ investment experiences as much as possible, and this feature will allow them to minimize risks across all investment categories. GTT allows users to concentrate on the stop-loss and target price, which encourages strategic and long-term thinking. With this functionality, users will be able to trade more conveniently on Upstox platform, as all orders will be grouped together.
The feature is currently available on Android and will be rolled out on iOS soon.
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