Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh will be the Chief Guest at the two-day high-profile Navati (90th birthday) celebrations of iconic Hindutva renaissance ideologue P. Parameswaran, being organised by Bharatheeya Vichara Kendram on April 1-2 at Ernakulam.
The Home Minister will attend the Parameswarji Felicitation Ceremony on April 2 at Bhaskareeyam Convention centre, Elamakkara.
Navati celebrations Committee Chairman Justice K T Thomas will presided over the function. Dr Krishna Gopal Saha Sarkaryavah RSS, Rajya Sabha member M.P. Vireendrakumar, Dr D Babu Paul, Dr M Lekshmi Kumari, Swami Vivikthananda Saraswati, Swami Amrita Kripanandapuri, PEB Menon, Dr Richard Hay, MP, will also address the gathering.
Nalanda University Chancellor Prof Vijay Bhatkar will inaugurate the Navati Celebrations on April 1 at A J Hall, Kaloor. Seminars on nationally relevant topics like ‘Nationalism: Changing Perception and New Challenges’ and ‘Development and Environment’ will be conducted on Day One of the celebrations.
Noted Economist S Gurumurthy will address the inaugural function, to be attended by Dr Prasanna Deshpande, Professor, Ferguson College, Pune; Shri Sanjay Paswan, former Union Minister; and Prafulla Ketkar, Editor organiser Weekly.
Dr V S Vijayan, noted environmentalist and ornithologist and Member, The Kerala State Bio Diversity Board; and Dr Sanjeev Sanyal, Principal Financial Advisor, Union Ministry of Finance, will participate in the seminar on ‘Development, Enviornment’.
Navati Celebrations Committee General Convener Dr N C Induchoodan, Bharatheeya Vichara Kendram Organising Secretary Ka Bha Sureendran, General Secretary K C Sudhir Babu, and Media coordinator B Prakash Babu attended the press meet.
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