Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal directed Health Minister Satyendar Jain to initiate a “thorough probe” into the supply of “substandard” materials, including surgical gloves and syringes, at the Delhi government-run GB Pant Hospital, and take strong action against the supplier and guilty officials.
In a written communication to Jain, the chief minister sought a report on the action taken in the matter by September 20.
“The health minister should order a thorough probe into this whole incident, fix responsibility and take strong action against the supplier and guilty officials. Remedial measures should be taken at the earliest. All possible steps should be undertaken to ensure that all consumable and non-consumable supplies in all government hospitals meet defined quality standards,” Kejriwal said.
“Receipt of torn gloves and broken syringes is result of lack of effective quality control and supervision on the part of the authorities concerned,” he said.
It has been “clearly established” that the disposable sterile surgical gloves were supplied in “torn” condition, Kejriwal said, citing a report of the medical director of GB Pant Hospital.
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