All-New Mahindra Thar was declared the ‘Car of the Year’ at the recently held Autocar Awards. In a glittering ceremony attended by stalwarts of the Indian automotive industry in New Delhi, the trophy was presented to Dr. Pawan Goenka, MD & CEO, M&M by Hormazd Sorabjee, Editor, Autocar India. The All-New Thar also took home the coveted ‘Mid-size SUV of the Year’ award.
The All-New Thar is a fresh take on the legendary SUV and is every bit true to its iconic roots with all the added features of a modern-day SUV. Launched to mark Mahindra Group’s 75th anniversary on October 2, 2020, the All-New Thar crossed 20,000 bookings in the first month itself and has recorded over 47,000 bookings till date.
Speaking at the Autocar Awards 2021, Dr. Pawan Goenka, MD & CEO, Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. said, “This moment of the All-New Thar winning the prestigious Car of the Year at the Autocar Awards 2021 is a celebration not just for Mahindra but for India’s automotive design, engineering and manufacturing excellence. A true blue ‘Make in India’ product, the iconic Thar encapsulates the DNA of Mahindra SUVs. While thanking the eminent jury, I dedicate this award to our customers, each individual member of the Mahindra family and to the indigenous Indian Automotive fraternity”.
In its 18th year, the prestigious Autocar Awards are a celebration of all-round excellence in the automotive industry. Aptly called the ‘automotive Oscars of India’ the awards recognize the best of the best in the automotive sector.
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