Tag: medical community
Protests Erupt in Kolkata Over Doctor’s Tragic Death Amid BJP’s 12-Hour Bandh
KOLKATA:The West Bengal Junior Doctors’ Forum staged a protest rally in Kolkata on Wednesday, demanding.
Steps to Enhance Security of Hospitals, Medical Community on Anvil: CM
THIRUVANANTHAPURAM:Voicing concern over the isolated incidents of attacks on the doctors and paramedical personnel while.
Jammu & Kashmir: One Year After Abrogation of Art. 370: PUCL
Part A: Overview It has been over a year since 5th August, 2019, when Amit.
A Sweet Gratitude to COVID Fighters
KOCHI: Chocolate boxes were distributed to the medical community, police officers and other COVID fighters.
High BP Drugs Safe for Patients with COVID-19 Disease: Study
NEW YORK: Despite concerns expressed by some experts, common high blood pressure drugs did not.
This New Approach to Managing Surgery will Speed Patient Recovery
A review in Canadian Medical Association Journal (CMAJ) has challenged historical surgical practices that are.
Maker Village Oganises DocTech on Exciting Opportunities for Healthcare Startups
KOCHI: In a first of its kind initiative in the state, a team of doctors.