Tag: influenza
Heavy Rains in Tamil Nadu: Health Department Warns of Surge in Viral Diseases and Fevers
CHENNAI:Amid heavy rainfall in several districts of Tamil Nadu, the State Health Department has issued.
Abbott Launches New Four-strain Flu Vaccine Against Influenza
KOCHI: Abbott, the global healthcare company, recently launched a new inactivated quadrivalent vaccine for influenza,.
Housing Impacts Health: New WHO Guidelines on Housing and Health
GENEVA (SWITZERLAND): The quality of housing has major implications for people’s health. Poor housing is.
33000 People Die Every Year due to Infections with Antibiotic-resistant Bacteria
An ECDC study estimates the burden of five types of infections caused by antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
Urgent Care Centers Overprescribe Antibiotics, Study Finds
Urgent care centers are the biggest offenders when it comes to giving people antibiotics they.