Tag: All India Management Association
Adapt to Changes to Build a Brighter future: Governor
THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Adapting to rapid advances transforming diverse domains is inevitable to keep the competitive edge.
TMA Announces Startup, CSR Awards Ahead of TRIMA 2020
THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Ahead of its two-day flagship annual management conclave TRIMA 2020 commencing here on February.
Trivandrum Management Association’s Annual Management Convention
THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Trivandrum Management Association (TMA), affiliated to New Delhi-based All India Management Association (AIMA), will.
SurveySparrow Wins IT Start-Up of the Year at 6th KMA NASSCOM IT Awards
KOCHI: SurveySparrow, a cloud-based customer experience platform, announced today that it is a proud winner.
Adani Vizhinjam Port Receives Prestigious ‘TMA-Terumo Penpol CSR Award 2018’
THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Adani Vizhinjam Port Pvt. Ltd. recognised for CSR excellence as they won the ‘TMA.
KMA Diamond Jubilee Logo Released
KOCHI: To commemorate the completion of 60 years of its existence, the Kerala Management Association.