Railway Protection Force(RPF), Thiruvananthapuram division organized a mega road show on July 26, 2018 starting from Thiruvananthapuram central station featuring the awareness measures for safety of women and children over railways. Flagged off from the main entrance of central station jointly by the Princess of Travancore Pooyam Tirunal Gauri Parvathi Bai, Shirish Kumar Sinha, Divisional Railway Manager, Thiruvananthapuram Division and Shaili Sinha, President, Southern Railway Woman’s Welfare Organization, in the presence of V Jagannathan, Divisional Security Commandant, Thiruvananthapuram division, Rajesh Chandran, Station Director, Thirvananthapuram Central, T S Gopakumar, Asst.Divisional Security Commandant, Thiruvananthapuram Division and other dignitaries, the road Show featured active participation of school children, NCC cadets and railway employee. It concluded at Divisional Railway Manager’s Office, Thycaud, Thiruvananthapuram.
RPF is providing security escort for 64 trains(Mail/Express & Passengers) in the division. For ensuring security of women passengers ladies coaches of commuter trains and passenger trains operating between 18:00 hrs and 06:00 hrs are escorted by RPF personnel. The toll free helpline number 182 is functional 24×7 in the division and immediate assistance is provided round the clock for calls regarding safety of women and children. Upto june 2018, RPF rescued 85 children and 22 women in the division. Various awareness programs were conducted at Schools and Colleges earlier.
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