The Technopark-based Navigant India celebrated its annual ‘Joy of Giving’ week by rolling out a variety of charity programmes in Thiruvananthapuram and Nagercoil. All the employees working at Navigant India’s Technopark and Nagercoil locations got together to celebrate the week-long Joy of Giving event.
Navigant India is a consulting company which is into specialized, global professional services, and has operations in the Thiruvananthapuram Technopark and Nagercoil. Navigant India’s Joy of Giving charity activities kicked off on October 2 and extended till October 8. This week began with a visit to the Divine Children’s charitable home at Mudavanmugal, where provisions kits were handed over to the inmates. The company staffers, along with the members of Karunya, the CSR committee of Navigant India, and the senior leadership team, visited the charitable home and handed over the kits to the inmates.
As part of the week-long CSR programme, Navigant India employees raised funds for the two charity organisations – State Institute for the Mentally-Challenged, at Pangappara, and Anbin Sigaram at Nagercoil – both of which are supported by the company. A full day was spent with games stalls set up at various spots at the Thiruvananthapuram Technopark and also at the company’s Nagercoil office. People were asked to participate in fun games and the entire
proceedings were given to charity.
This apart, fundraiser food stalls were also set up at both the locations, and food made by the employees were was sold. The entire proceedings collected from sale of food at these stalls were also given to charity. Funds raised from the games and food stalls were to the tune of Rs 70,000 and the amount was handed over to different charity organisations.
Navigant employees under the Karunya CSR Committee also visited the Santhimandiram in Thiruvananthapuram, and spent some time with the inmates and carried home cooked food and kits for the employees. The company’s Joy of Giving Week also included celebrations with the security guards and housekeeping staff at Navigant India, at both the locations. The company employees thanked them for the selfless services rendered day in and day out. The security and housekeeping staff members were presented with take away kits, an evening tea session with games, gifts and refreshments.
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