Kerala’s First Day & Night Indoor Cricket Net Practice with three pitches including one pitch with a bowling machine was inaugurated jointly by K. Mohammed Y. Safirulla, District Collector, Ernakulam & Chairman of RSC and Basil Thampi, International Cricketeer on Wednesday, the 7th Feb. 2018.
Basil Thampi one of the three fast bowlers selected to represent hrdia for the South African Tour 2018 was
given honorary membership during the inaugural ceremony. The newly installed bowling machine is imported frorn USA and assembled at Leverage Home Science, Hyderabad.
The maximum speed of the balling machine is 150 kms or 90 miles per hour and can hold 20 balls at a time. It could be operated manually and autornatically and has three variations namely ‘Off Spin, Leg Spin and Fast Ball/.
S.A.S. Navaz, Hony. secretary, Vedanga R. Prabhu, Hony. Treasurer, Manohar Prabhu, Dr. Anil ]oseph,
Dr. Shafeeq Rehman, Dr. Babu ]oseph, K.O. Thomas & Balu V. George (Executive Comrnittee Members of RSC) were present on the occasion.