The ‘Kera Suraksha Insurance Scheme’ being implemented by Coconut Development Board for coconut tree climbers and Neera technicians had been modified with enhanced benefits from November 2020.
Sum assured under the revised policy is five lakhs. This is an accident insurance policy which covers hospitalization charges upto one lakh rupees and is implemented through M/s Oriental Insurance Company Ltd. All the trainees under ‘Friends of Coconut Tree’ training programme and Neera technician training programme are covered under the policy for the first year free of cost and their entire first year premium shall be fully borne by the Board.
The period of insurance is one year. On expiry, the same can be renewed for ensuring continued benefits under the scheme through payment of beneficiary share of premium of Rs 99/ .Traditional coconut tree climbers aged between 18 to 65 years can also avail benefit under this scheme by payment of beneficiary share of premium Rs 99/- for a period of one year.
Application form duly filled in, countersigned by Agriculture officer/Panchayath President/CPF office bearers/CPC Directors along with a demand draft for Rs. 99/-, drawn in favour of COCONUT DEVELOPMENT BOARD, payable at Ernakulum, along with copy of age proof needs to be sent to Chairman, Coconut Development Board, SRV Road, Kera Bhavan, Kochi – 682011, Kerala. Beneficiaries share of premium can also be paid online. Application form, claim form and other details are available at Board’s website, www.coconutboard.gov.in. For further details please visit the website www.coconutboard.gov.in or contact Statistics section, Coconut Development Board, Kochi. Phone: 0484-2377266 – Extn : 255
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