Mahendra Singh Dhoni,India’s legendary former cricket captain and a devoted father, now teams up with GSK to raise awareness about the need for 6 in 1 vaccination. As part of the campaign, MS Dhoni features in a newly released video which draws a parallel with hitting a six in cricket and explains how the 6 in 1 vaccination for infants provides protection against six diseases in one injection.
The tagline of the campaign encapsulates the key benefits of the combination vaccine: fewer vaccines and less pain. Speaking about his involvement in the campaign, India’s former international cricket captain,Mahendra Singh Dhoni said, “As parents, my wife and I look for ways to give our daughter a good foundation for life. We have always believed that vaccination is an essential component of that foundation. However, watching my daughter go through the pain due to multiple injections during infancy was difficult for us both. I was eager to join GSK in raising
awareness about 6 in 1 vaccination. Combination vaccination means that infants get the same kind of protection but with fewer injections. Less pain for them. And I am sure all parents would agree – less pain for us too!”
Speaking about the need for 6 in 1 vaccination, Dr. Rashmi Hegde, Executive Vice President – Medical Affairs, GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals Limited, said, “Every child should be vaccinated in a timely manner. Vaccines build children’s immune memory and help to protect them from those diseases. The 6 in 1 or hexavalent vaccination has helped protect millions of infants in India and across the world and has a proven record of safety and efficacy.”
The campaign will run across multiple media formatsincluding videos on TV,digital videos on YouTube, a website, and at paediatricians’ clinics.
Parents should consult their paediatrician to know more about 6 in 1 vaccination.
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