Ghazal singer, Harikumar G shared the stage with vocalists Mani Sasidaran and Yahiya Azeez to put together a performance at the Government General Hospital here today at the weekly ‘Arts and Medicine’ show organised by the Kochi Biennale Foundation.
Harikumar, a resident of Maradu, Ernakulam and currently training music under noted Hindustani musician Jayesh Chakravarthi, has been actively participating in various ghazal programmes for the past five year
“Music comes from the soul and it has a calming and psychedelic effect on the listeners. It can aid healing to a certain extent”, said Harikumar.
A passion for singing drew Mani Sasidaran, a civil engineer by profession to the Biennale stage. As a street singer, she donates proceeds from her musical shows to the benefit of the under privileged and those in need. She also organises a charity driven ‘Ganamela’ for the welfare of the needy.
“Offering a helping hand through monetary aids and through therapeutic music is a generous deed which I believe in, KBF has given me the opportunity to reach out to the people at the hospital”, added Mani.
Yahiya Azeez who accompanied the singers is a regular presence at Biennale music shows.
Together the singers belted out over 12 songs and lapped up applause from an appreciative audience. Beginning with the song , ‘Eeswarane Thedi Njaan Nadannu’, Mani glided on to the number ‘Oru Kochu Swapnathil’. It was then Harikumar’s turn to enthral with his ghazal numbers and the show followed with songs by Yahiya including ‘Neela Vana Cholayil’ before culminating with the song ‘Lal Meri’ by
Today’s musical show marked the 156th episode of the all Wednesday ‘Arts and Medicine’ show organised by the Kochi Biennale Foundation in association with Mehboob Memorial Orchestra and Lakeshore Hospital and Research Centre Limited as an initiative to provide solace to patients through therapeutic music and art.