Amazon Prime Video today launched the trailer of their upcoming series Wakaalat From Home. The 10-episode series, shot completely during the lockdown on a zoom call, stars Sumeet Vyas, Nidhi Singh, Kubbra Sait, and Gopal Datt in prominent roles.
The show takes us into the lives of a married couple, played by Sujin (Sumeet) and Radhika (Nidhi), who have filed for a divorce. Owing to the lockdown restrictions, and adapting to the #newnormal, their court hearing moves to zoom calls, where their respective lawyers, Kubbra and Gopal, take charge of the proceedings. What follows is an absolute laugh riot that’s full of commotion and utter chaos. With battle lines drawn between the couple, we see this quartet indulge in cheap digs trying to get one over the other and win the case.
Written by Anuvab Pal, directed by Rohan Sippy, and produced by Ramesh Sippy Entertainment, Wakaalat From Home is a hilarious take on how people have adapted to the new normal. From working from home and virtual meetings, the series will remind you of the initial days of lockdown when life came to a standstill. With one eagerly awaiting the verdict of this case, don’t miss out on Wakaalat From Home that streams this September 10, 2020, exclusively on Amazon Prime Video.
Speaking on the new project, director Rohan Sippy said, “The concept and the story of Wakaalat From Home is new, yet very relatable and riveting. It is a fun twist to the work-from-home culture that we all have embraced because of the nationwide lockdown. With this show, we have presented one such WFH scenario where the court/legal proceedings of cases of lesser importance have moved online via zoom calls. There are moments in the show that you relate to, as well as make you laugh out loud. Wakaalat From Home is a lighthearted take on the new normal that we have to adapt to. I am sure the audiences will enjoy watching the series on Amazon Prime Video as much as we enjoyed creating it- in the middle of the lockdown!”
Synopsis: Wakaalat From Home is the story of Sujin and Radhika’s divorce. It is not amicable with claims and counterclaims. The judge decides, this not being a critical case, to move their court hearing to Zoom. Over 10 court sessions, while the lockdown ensues, their divorce case will be heard, while their lawyers have designs of their own.
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