Cochin University of Science and Technology has invited applications for appointment of Professor in Marine Engineering on contract basis in its Kunjali Marakkar School of Marine Engineering, with a consolidated monthly pay of Rs. 1,21,000/-.
Candidates with B.Tech in Marine/Mechanical Engineering/ Naval Architecture and Extra First Class Certificate of Competency (MOT) and 15 years of experience in the relevant field out of which at least two years in the position of Chief Engineer, or five years experience as reader in Marine Engineering, can apply. Ph.D / M.Tech in Marine Engineering is desirable. Application fee is Rs. 735/- for general and Rs. 145/- for SC/ST category. Interested candidates can apply through the website https://cusat.ac.in/ or https://recruit.cusat.ac.in/ on or before 23 September 2021.
The signed hard copy of the application along with copies of documents to prove qualification, age, experience, fee details etc. should reach ‘The Registrar, Administrative Office, Cochin University of Science and Technology, Kochi- 682022 on or before 30 September 2021.