Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa suffered a cardiac arrest late on Sunday. She has been put on a heart assist device. Jayalalithaa has been in intensive care since September 22, after she complained of fever, dehydration and congestion. It had been announced on December 4 that she had made a full recovery.
Jayalalithaa is being treated and monitored by a team of experts at Ap
Later, the hospital tweeted, “She was put on extracorporeal membrane heart assist device (a heart pump) and is being treated by a team of expert doctors and critical care specialists.”
She is on extracorporeal membrane heart assist device and is being treated by a team of expert doctors and critical care specialists.
Dr Richard Beale from London, who had earlier been consulted in the course of Jayalalithaa’s treatment, has concurred with the line of treatment by our cardiologists and pulmonologists, the hospital said.
The hospital made an emotional appeal requesting all to pray for her good health.
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