Sunny Leone, who is making her Tamil debut with Veeramadevi, has done her own stunts for the first look shoot for the upcoming film. The actor shared a video on Monday of her riding a horse and captioned it, “Practice ride with this beautiful animal before shooting Veeramadevi. Did my own riding and stunts for this first look shoot!”
Even though Sunny had made a special appearance in a song in Vadacurry, the period drama, Veeramadevi, will mark the full-fledged debut of the Indo-Canadian actor in the Tamil cinema. Produced by Ponse Stephen under the Steves Corner banner, the film is helmed by VC Vadivudaiyan and stars Navdeep as the antagonist. While Nasser plays an important role, Tabu has also been approached to play another key character. Amresh Ganesh of Motta Shiva Ketta Shiva-fame has been roped in as the music director for the film, which the makers are reportedly planning to release in four other languages—Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, and Hindi.
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