Rank lists (Main & Supplementary) for admission to MBA Programme conducted by the School of Management Studies, CUSAT are published in the University Admission Website.
Candidates included in the rank lists should register their options for MBA Full Time, Part Time (Experienced) & Part Time (Non-Experienced) as per candidate’s preference. Using this facility, candidates need to register their preferred options on or before August 3 rd , 2021. In cases where no
specific options are registered before the last date, following default options will be used at the time of allotment.
Preference 1: MBA (Full Time), Preference 2: MBA Part Time (Non – experienced) and Preference 3: MBA Part Time (Experienced); this option will be available only if the special reservation ‘Experienced’ was selected at the time of application. Admission Schedule, Allotment Instructions etc pertaining to MBA will be published later.For more information, visit the University Admissions website https://admissions.cusat.ac.in/.