Just a day after his birthday, Bollywood actor Arjun Kapoor received a threat message from his paternal grandmother, Nirmal Kapoor, asking him to get married soon. The Gunday star shared the message on Instagram, with the caption “When ur Dadi’s gift is a threat & request along with a bribe & command all rolled into one !!! @nirmalkapoorbombay #bossgrandma”.
Arjun, who turned 33 on June 26, was showered with love, blessings and good health by his B-Town colleagues. From chachu Anil Kapoor to his first co-star Parineeti Chopra, celebs took to social media to wish the actor on his special day. The Kapoors celebrated Arjun’s birthday in Mumbai. Janhvi, Khushi and Boney Kapoor went to Arjun’s residence at midnight to celebrate with him. The video of the same was shared by Janhvi and Sonam on social media. All three of the Kapoor sisters, Janhvi, Sonam and Anshula sent love to their brother on social media.
The actor who gave an entertaining performance at IIFA 2018 despite being unwell, will be next seen in Namaste England alongside Parineeti Chopra. The two will be sharing the screen for the second time after almost six years. Details about the plot have not been revealed yet but it is speculated that it will be a stand-alone film and the story will not have much connection to the prequel Namaste London.
He will also feature in Sandeep Aur Pinky Faraar and Panipat opposite Parineeti and Kriti Sanon, respectively. Namaste England is scheduled to release on October 19.
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