India : Acer today announced the expansion of its Copilot+ PC offering across its laptop and desktop portfolio. These include the thin-and-light Swift Go 14 AI and Swift Go 16 AI laptops, value-oriented Aspire 14 AI laptops, sleek and stylish Aspire S AI and Aspire C AI all-in-one (AIO) desktops, and powerful Revo Box AI mini PC. All new products are equipped with the latest processors with integrated neural processing units (NPU) for performance to power AI-driven workloads.
“As customers see the benefits of using AI to improve and streamline daily tasks, they are interested in Copilot+ PCs in a wider range of sizes and form factors to fit their specific needs and environments,” said James Lin, General Manager, Notebooks, Acer Inc. “Our expanded Copilot+ PC ecosystem fulfills that desire with practical PCs featuring slim designs and the latest AI processors to make AI even more accessible.”
“We are excited to introduce the Copilot+ PC to our desktop portfolio, combining powerful performance with advanced AI technology in versatile PC designs,” said Marc Ho, Senior Director, Stationary Computing Business, Acer Inc. “Our goal is to empower users to achieve and accomplish more through our devices and by extending the latest in AI innovations.”
“Acer’s expansion of its Copilot+ PC portfolio brings AI capabilities to a wider range of devices that meet customers’ diverse needs. With AI at the center, Copilot+ PCs unlock new features that support productivity and creativity while providing more accessible options. These new Copilot+ PCs from Acer make upgrading a breeze as we approach the end of support for Windows 10,” said Mark Linton,
Vice President of Device Partner Sales at Microsoft.
The new Acer Copilot+ PCs harness the power of AI to boost productivity and creativity.
The Swift Go 16 AI and Swift Go 14 AI laptops and the Aspire C AI AIOs are powered by AMD Ryzen™ AI 300 Series processors to deliver ultimate AI capabilities that boost productivity and efficiency for mobile professionals. The Aspire S AI and Revo Box AI feature Intel® Core™ Ultra processors
(Series 2), helping people breeze through intensive workloads efficiently.
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