CUSAT takes the lead in the project implemented by European Union to enhance the Capacity Building in Higher Education (CBHE) among the teachers of the Higher Education Sector in Asian countries.
The project will be lead by the Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Poland and the Universities from Spain, Germany, Chek Republic, Viatnam and China will take part. European Union has sanctioned an amount of 1 million Euro (Approximately 8 crores of rupees) for the project and the duration of the project will be one year to develop the curriculam.
The project submitted by the Dr. K A Zakkariya, the Director of Kousal Kendra and the Professor, School of Management Studies is one among the 147 projects approved by the European Union out of 874 projects received during 2018. Dr. K A Zakkariya had presented the project in Brussels as invited by the European Union and the project was selected. The Kick of meeting named FRACTION to implement the project will take place during February 19 to 22 in CUSAT and all the members from partner institutions will take part. Dr. Kamila Ludwikowska from Wroclaw University, Poland will lead the seminar.
The seminar is intended to develop a curriculum for the teachers, using the wide scope of the Information Communication Technology (ICT) and to extract the maximum ability of the teachers to improve the capacity of the students to the maximum aiming at job opportunities. The kick of meeting will be inaugurated by Dr. R Sasidharan, Vice Chancellor on 19th February.